In this article we are going to discuss about how to add or retrieve image from phone external storage to application using SQLite Database. Basically we create a database and a table in the application using SQLite. The table will hold the image which is fetched from external storage. There is a difference while retrieving … Continue reading Add & Retrieve Image From SQLite Database Example In Android Studio
Android provides different ways to store data locally so using SQLite is one the way to store data. SQLite is a structure query base database, hence we can say it’s a relation database. Android os has its own implementation to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)operations, so Android provides set of classes available in android.database … Continue reading Insert, Read, Delete & Update Operation In SQLite
SQLite is a open source , lite weight, no network access, standalone database. It support embedded relational database features. Android has built in SQLite database implementation. It is available locally over the device(mobile, tablet) and contain data in text format, it carry lite weight data and suitable with any languages. Installation Of SQLite: Windows 1: … Continue reading Introduction To SQLite And Installation
Operators are the built in reserve words which have specified meaning behind them. These operators are used with in query for some comparisons or other operations. Operators In SQLite: Arithmetic Relational Logical Bitwise ARITHMETIC Arithmetic operators are used for basic mathematical operators i.e addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*),division(/) and modulus(%). Let’s consider A= 10 & B= 5. … Continue reading List Of All Operators In SQLite
Data Type in SQLite: It basically specify the kind of data that object will store in it i.e the value it can take inside for storage. There are different type or data like numeric, alphabetic, alphanumeric etc. So to store all this type of data different data types are there. Also the data types defines … Continue reading Data Type And Commands In SQLite
Clauses are used to define any specific condition with the commands like select, insert, update, delete, alter. WHERE CLAUSE IN SQLITE : Where clause is used to filter out the result, for that define a condition with where clause.If the specified condition is true it return the records. It is used with update, select, alter..etc. … Continue reading List Of All Clauses In SQLite For Defining Specific Condition
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