List Of All Operators In SQLite

Operators are the built in reserve words which have specified meaning behind them. These operators are used with in query for some comparisons or other operations.

Operators In SQLite:

  • Arithmetic
  • Relational
  • Logical
  • Bitwise


Arithmetic operators are used for basic mathematical operators i.e addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*),division(/) and modulus(%).
Let’s consider A= 10 & B= 5.

  • Addition : Add the values in either order it is defined, so  A+B will give 15.
  • Subtraction : Subtract the right side operand from left one, so A-B will give 5.
  • Multiplication : Multiply the values in either order it is defined, so A*B will give 50.
  • Division : Divide numerator by denominator, so A/B will give 2.
  • Modulus : Divide the left side operand with right side and return remainder, so A%B will give 0.


Relational operators are also the basic mathematical operators.
Let’s consider A= 10 & B= 5.

  •  <    : Return true when left operand is less than right , so  (A<B)  is false.
  •  <=  : Return true when left operand is less than or equal to right , so (A<=B) is false.
  •  >    : Return true when left operand is greater than right, so  (A>B)  is true.
  •  >=  :  Return true when left operand is greater than or equal to right, so  (A>=B)  is true.
  •  = or ==  :  Return true when both operand are equal to each other, so (A=B) is false.
  •  != or <>  : Return true when both operand are not equal to each other, so (A=B) is true.


Here are the logical operators.

  •  AND : Return true when all conditions defined with AND are true, else false.
  •  OR=  Return true when any conditions defined with OR is true, else false
  •  NOT It is negative operator, reverse the meaning of the operand.
  •  BETWEEN  The between operator returns the value defined between minimum & maximum value.
  •  IN The IN operator allow to specify multiple values with it and return rows as specified.
  •  NOT IN It is reverse of IN operator, returns values which or not specified, user can input multiple values in it.
  •  EXISTS This operator finds weather specified row exists.


Here are the bitwise operators.

  •  &   : Binary AND
  •  |    Binary OR
  •  >>  Binary right shift.
  •  <<  Binary left shift.

Truth Table for ‘&’ and ‘|’

0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1


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