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Exception Handling In Method Overriding

Exceptions are the customary way in java to a calling method that an abnormal condition has occurred. When a method encounters an abnormal condition that it can’t handle itself, it may throw an exception. Throwing an exception is like throwing or flashing red ball to indicate that there is a problem that can’t be handled where … Continue reading Exception Handling In Method Overriding

Hashset Methods In Java With Example

Hashset is a type of Java Collection that uses Hash table for storing the data, which internally uses a phenomena known as hashing. HashSet do not allow duplicate values, but allow null elements to be stored and also it does not maintains any insertion order. HashSet Methods in JAVA: Let us discuss all the HashSet methods one by … Continue reading Hashset Methods In Java With Example

TreeMap Methods Tutorial With Examples in JAVA

TreeMap store values based on  key value pairs. This pair is often called as Entry. It  stores only unique elements i.e. duplicate values are not allowed and it cannot store key as null but can store null values. Mostly it is similar to HashMap Class and key difference is, it maintains an increasing order of the values based on … Continue reading TreeMap Methods Tutorial With Examples in JAVA

LinkedHashMap Methods Tutorial With Examples in JAVA

LinkedHashMap is a type of Collection, which takes all the functionalities of HashMap class. In Addition to them, the functionality of maintaining the insertion is added into LinkedHashMap and to attain this functionality all the entries(key and value) are linked to each other using doubly-linked list. This doubly-linked list maintains the iteration ordering, which is … Continue reading LinkedHashMap Methods Tutorial With Examples in JAVA