HashMap is a type of Collection, that stores our data in a pair such that each element has a key associated with it. The pair of key and value is often known as Entry and these entries can have only unique keys.
HashMap is a class that implements Map Interface and Extends AbstractMap class which provides the basic structural implementation of Map Interface which minimizes the efforts that are required to implement the Map interface directly in our HashMap Class.
It is generally denoted as HashMap <key, value> or HashMap <K,V>.
Important Note: HashMap allows null key and null value in it, but with a restriction that there can be only one null key and multiple null values.
Table of Contents
HashMap Class extends AbstractMap Class and that Implements Map Interface as shown in figure 1.
Let us discuss Hash map with the help of following programs.
In this program we have created object of HashMap Class, added key value pairs using put method, and displayed it using getKey and getValue methods , as shown below
import java.util.*; public class HashMapDemoClass{ public static void main(String args[]){ //Step 1: Defing object of HashMap Class HashMap<Integer,String> HashMap=new HashMap<Integer,String>(); //Step 2: Adding Key Value pair HashMap.put(1001,"India"); HashMap.put(1002,"Canada"); HashMap.put(1003,"Australia"); //Step 3: Displaying key value pairs using for loop for(Map.Entry map : HashMap.entrySet() ) { //Step 4: Using getKey and getValue methods to retrieve key and corresponding value System.out.println(map.getKey()+" "+map.getValue()); } } }
1001 India 1002 Canada 1003 Australia
for(Map.Entry map : HashMap.entrySet())
In this for loop we have used method entrySet(), which returns a Set view of the mappings contained in the HashMap object and the Map.Entry is an Interface that enables you to work with a map entry easily by which key-value pairs are retrieved one by one, and are displayed in next step.
System.out.println(map.getKey()+” “+map.getValue());
First is getKey() , which as name suggest retrieves the key and secondly getValue() method that retrieves the value corresponding to the given key.
HashMap does not allow Entry with duplicate key, it overlaps old value with new one. Below program helps you understand this.
In this program we have created object of HashMap Class and added key value pairs, one with duplicate key, as shown in the following program
import java.util.*; public class HashMapDemoClass{ public static void main(String args[]){ //Step 1: Defining object of HashMap Class HashMap<Integer,String> HashMap=new HashMap<Integer,String>(); //Step 2: Adding Key Value pair HashMap.put(1001,"India"); HashMap.put(1002,"Canada"); HashMap.put(1003,"Australia"); //Step 3: Displaying key value pairs using for loop for(Map.Entry map : HashMap.entrySet() ) { //Step 4: Using getKey and getValue methods to retrieve key and corresponding value System.out.println(map.getKey()+" "+map.getValue()); } //Step 5: Adding element with duplicate key HashMap.put(1003,"Nepal"); //Step 6: Displaying Elemnets System.out.println("Entries after adding element with Duplicate Key"); for(Map.Entry map : HashMap.entrySet() ) { System.out.println(map.getKey()+" "+map.getValue()); } } }
1001 India 1002 Canada 1003 Australia Entries after adding element with Duplicate Key 1001 India 1002 Canada 1003 Nepal
Conclusion: From output it is clear that HashMap does not allow Entry with duplicate key, it overlaps old value with new one, as shown in the output.
Description of Program:
HashMap allows Entry with duplicate value but having unique key.
In this program we have created object of HashMap Class and added key value pairs, one with duplicate value, as shown in the following program
import java.util.*; public class HashMapDemoClass{ public static void main(String args[]){ //Step 1: Defing object of HashMap Class HashMap<Integer,String> HashMap=new HashMap<Integer,String>(); //Step 2: Adding Key Value pair HashMap.put(1001,"India"); HashMap.put(1002,"Canada"); HashMap.put(1003,"Australia"); //Step 3: Displaying key value pairs using for loop for(Map.Entry map : HashMap.entrySet() ) { //Step 4: Using getKey and getValue methods to retrieve key and corresponding value System.out.println(map.getKey()+" "+map.getValue()); } //Step 5: Adding element with duplicate value HashMap.put(1004,"India"); //Step 6: Displaying Elemnets System.out.println("Entries after adding element with Duplicate Value"); for(Map.Entry map : HashMap.entrySet() ) { System.out.println(map.getKey()+" "+map.getValue()); } } }
1001 India 1002 Canada 1003 Australia Entries after adding element with Duplicate Value 1001 India 1002 Canada 1003 Australia 1004 India
Conclusion: From output it is clear that HashMap allows Entry with duplicate value.
HashMap is a class that implements Map Interface and Extends AbstractMap class. It is generally denoted as HashMap <key, value> or HashMap <K,V>.
Let us discuss HashMap methods one by one with Examples in Java.
1. Object put(Object key, Object value):
This method adds the key value pair to the HashMap object, as shown in the following program:
import java.util.*; public class HashMapDemoClass { public static void main(String args[]) { // create a hashmap HashMap hashmapobj = new HashMap(); // using Object put(Object key, Object value) method hashmapobj.put(1001, "I"); hashmapobj.put(1002, "Love"); hashmapobj.put(1003, "Java"); //printing the hashmap System.out.println(" All the key value pairs " + hashmapobj); } }
All the key value pairs {1001=I, 1002=Love, 1003=Java}
2. int size():
This method returns the size of the HashMap as shown in the following program:
package com.test; import java.util.*; public class HashMapDemoClass { public static void main(String args[]) { // create a hashmap HashMap hashmapobj = new HashMap(); hashmapobj.put(1001, "I"); hashmapobj.put(1002, "Love"); hashmapobj.put(1003, "Java"); //using size() method System.out.println(" Size of hashmap is " + hashmapobj.size()); } }
Size of hashmap is 3
3. void clear():
This method clears all the key value pairs in the HashMap, as shown in the following program:
import java.util.*; public class HashMapDemoClass { public static void main(String args[]) { // create a hashmap HashMap hashmapobj = new HashMap(); hashmapobj.put(1001, "I"); hashmapobj.put(1002, "Love"); hashmapobj.put(1003, "Java"); //using size() method System.out.println(" Size of hashmap is " + hashmapobj.size()); //using clear() method hashmapobj.clear(); //using size() method after clearing the hashmap System.out.println(" Size of hashmap after clearing is " + hashmapobj.size()); } }
Size of hashmap is 3 Size of hashmap after clearing is 0
Read all HashMap Methods in JAVA
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