Android support a wide range of devices and if you want to create an application in android then your application must be compatible with the different mobile devices. For supporting the different screen sizes you must have different size images which you will save in various folders. Usually Android has four folder which covers almost every device:,drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi,drawable-xhdpi.
Background Images Dimensions for these different folders are as follows:
ldpi = 240×320 pixels
mdpi = 320×480 pixels
hdpi = 480×800 pixels
xhdpi = 720×1280 pixels
How to Add/Create different folders for adding different resolution Images in Android Studio
Step 1: First of all you must have different images for these folder with given resolution. You can get the images in different resolutions through 9-Patches or you can use any high end image editor tool like Adobe Photoshop.
Step 2: Once you have all the images with you, now it’s time to create the folders for images. Navigate to Project View in Android Studio
Step 3: Go to App folder src > main > res folder.
Step 4: right click on res folder. select New and then click Directory.
Step 5: Enter the name of your directory for example: drawable-ldpi.
Step 6: Now you have”drawable-lpdi” folder inside res folder. You can create rest of the folder “drawable-mdpi”,”drawable-hdpi” and “drawable-xhdpi”.
Step 7: You can paste the different resolution images inside respective different folders.
Important Note: While pasting images to different resolution folder, keep one thing in mind all the images should have common name. For example: inside drawable-hdpi >image.png then drawable-xhdpi >image.png. That means name of the images is same but every image have different resolution. So in this way you just have to write android:background:@drawable/image and android will automatically adjust the image as per different mobile resolution.