How To Create Programming Blog And Make Money From It

A blog or technically speaking is an easy way of expressing or sharing your views with the online community through publishing content on the web. Being a developer you can share your programming work and code with the world from your blog.

Create Programming BlogThe popularity of a blog depends on its followers and once you have reached a benchmark, they could be a great source of revenue too. The benchmark we are talking about could be reached only, when the blog is informant and interesting enough from reader’s perspective to make them follow it regularly.

Apart from the revenue factor, blogs are an easy way to share your opinion on the internet and especially on the programming topic you have a flair and affinity for. The essence of a blog is the content and the way of writing content. There are tips and tricks on the same, which lets you master this art and science of blogging.

Step #1: Get A Domain And Hosting

To start a blog, the first thing you need is a domain and reliable hosting.

To get a domain you can consider using because it offers free privacy protection with every domain.

For hosting, we recommend you use because it offers cheap price, reliable hosting and gives top class chat support. I personally have been using them for last 7 years and love there service.

Click here to get 60% discount on Hostgator hosting

PS: You can choose single domain unmetered bandwidth plan. If you want to save lots of money then choose 3 years plan to get the best discount.

Step #2: WordPress Platform For Programming Blog

It is advisable that you should have a blog created on WordPress platform which is very easy to maintain. They are very easy and feasible to create and manage and give a professional appeal to your blog. Moreover, it adds to the credibility of your blog from reader’s perspective.

They come with simple functionality which requires no technical know-how. Once created, all you would need is to login to your count and click publish to upload your blog.

Apart from that, WordPress blogs are highly flexible and provides you with various options to give an exclusive look to your blog. Be it fancy themes or customized URLs, you get to give your blog a personalized touch.

A free blogging platform, would not allow you to monetize your blog which you can easily do on WordPress platform. This is why it has become the most preferred platform by professionals. Plus, it gives you a sense of ownership and control.

Below are the steps to install WordPress from cPanel:

1. First make sure to purchase hosting and don’t use free hosting.

In our case we have purchased from and they provide us the cPanel login details.

2. Login to your cPanel account

cPanel login3. Search for QuickInstall and click on it

Quickinstall for installing WordPress4. Now click on wordpress

Choose WordPress for blogging5. Choose your domain name and leave directory empty. Then click on NEXT.

Select-domain-for-installation6. Now fill login details of WordPress admin and click Install. The WordPress is successfully installed.

Install wordpress

Step #3: Themes And Design Your Programming Blog:

The best thing about wordpress is that it offers 5000+ free themes to choose for your blog.

1. Login to your wordpress admin

Wordpress admin login2. Just go to Appearance > Themes > Add New

install wordpress themes3. Choose from 5000+ themes you want to use for your blog.

Step#3: Plugins For Programming Blog

Plugins simply means to add new functionality in your blog. For example, you want social share in your blog. To add that functionality, you just need to search plugin related to it and install to add this new functionality in your blog.

Below are the recommended wordpress free plugins you can install in your programming blog:

1. Contact Form 7 – It is used to create Contact form on your blog.

2. Akismet – Akismet block spam comment and ping backs on your blog.

3. Code Snippets – Since you are creating a programming blog which obviously means you will be sharing codes on your blog. This plugin will create shortcode to share code in a beautiful box.

4. Code Prettify – As the name of plugin suggest, it will beautify the code with colors and properly enqueued.

5. WordPress Social Sharing Plugin – This plugin will add social shares like Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit and more on your site.

6. Yoast – You will need this plugin for SEO and getting your blog rank higher in Google.

7. WP Super Cache – To increase your blog loading speed, you can install this plugin and enable cache for your blog.

8. Table Of Contents Plus – This plugin will highlight all heading present in your article inside Table of Content box.

Step #4: Start Adding Programming Article On Your Blog:

Blogging is very simple and now you just need to start sharing your coding work with the world. All you need is to login to your account and publish the content. However, you have to be frequent with your updates to keep the interest of the readers and search engines on.

Step #5: Make Money From Your Programming Blog By Growing It

Below are the few ways you can consider to make money from your blog.

1. Google Adsense This is the most common ways programming bloggers use to make money. They use Google Adsense ads to monetize which pay for every click done on ads on your blog.

2. Affiliate Marketing – This is another cool way to generate revenue by recommending good products to your blog readers and making money as a commission. In our case we only recommend what we personally use and pay for.

3. Offer Development Service – Since you are a developer, so you can offer development service on your blog. The amount of money that you can earn depends on your skills and clients you will get from your blog.

4. Sell Product – After you built a loyal audience on your blog, it will be a perfect time to create a useful product and sell it to them at a reasonable price. This too can generate handy income from your blog.

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