Whenever we have to create a custom list we need to implement custom adapter. As we discuss earlier ArrayAdapter is used when we have a list of single item’s backed by an Array. So if we need customization in a ListView or a GridView we need to implement simpleadapter but when we need even more … Continue reading Custom SimpleAdapter Tutorial With Example In Android Studio
In android, An adapter is a bridge between UI component and data source that helps us to fill data in UI component. SimpleAdpater is used for customization of list or grid items. In Android, SimpleAdapter is an easy adapter to map static data to views defined in an XML file (layout). In android you can … Continue reading SimpleAdapter Tutorial With Examples In Android Studio
In Android, Whenever we need to display a spinner item with image, text etc (i.e. creating more custom list) then we have to implement a custom adapter like base adapter. For customization we need to create a custom adapter class and then extends our default adapter in that class. Here we create a custom list … Continue reading Custom Spinner Tutorial With Examples In Android Studio
ArrayAdapter is a type of Adapter which acts a bridge between UI component and data source that helps us to fill data in UI component. It expects a Layout with a single TextView and for more customization in grid items or list items, we use custom adapters. ArrayAdapter is also an implementation of BaseAdapter so … Continue reading Custom ArrayAdapter Tutorial With Example In Android Studio
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